Our Story 我們的故事

Our Story started from our beloved founder Mr Steven Lane . He has been in the fine jewellery business for over half the century . He started his career in his age of early 20's as an apprentice in a fine jewellery house . With his accumulated experience & passion in fine jewellery making , gem & diamond appreciation . He started his own fine jewellery house in 1995 . 

 A life long journey with Lane Joaillier Fine Jewellery

我們的故事始於我們心愛的創始人欒尚增先生  他的珠寶生涯長達超過半個世紀 早於二十歲便由珠寶學徒開始 ,靠著他自己對高級珠寶製作 ,寶石及鑽石的熱情及認知 ,於1995 年 ,於中環太子大廈開設屬於他的高級珠寶店 名家珠寶


  Our beloved Founder Mr Steven Lane , year 1968 



Lane Joaillier Shop Landmark Prince's , year 1995 


於1995年創立的Lane Joaillier善於融合稀有的天然彩色寶石、巧奪天工的手藝技術,以及優雅的時尚設計,讓女性的動人魅力展現無遺。品牌同時喜用大自然為創作題材,巧妙地捕捉光影在花朵、昆蟲之間的流瀉與凝結,留住大自然展現生命力與稍遜即逝的美麗瞬間。所累積的經驗及作品使名家珠寶成為亞洲頂尖珠寶商之一

For over 25 years, Lane Joaillier Fine Jewellery has been demonstrating unrivalled expertise in the art of casting elegant diamonds, blending traditional artistry with modern techniques. Each precious stone is meticulously set by hand and tailor-made down to the colour and angle of reflection, achieving an inimitable piece of luxury. A pioneer in traditional craftsmanship and exceptional design, Lane Joaillier continues to hold their reputation as one of Asia’s top jewellers. 





We also search and purchase the best diamond rough around the globe , directly from the source . 

我們還會親身到世界各地 ,直接購入具潛力及優質的鑽石石胚