Zoom Diamond Eternity Rings 永恆鑽石戒指
Zoom Diamond Eternity Rings 永恆鑽石戒指
Zoom Diamond Eternity Rings 永恆鑽石戒指
Zoom Diamond Eternity Rings 永恆鑽石戒指

Diamond Eternity Rings 永恆鑽石戒指


Different uniformed Diamonds & Color Gem Stones Eternity Rings 

Since natural diamonds always polished into slightly different shapes and cutting in order to retain the maximun weight from the rough . In order to construct eternity ring , has to be a parcel of diamonds in uniform shape , cutting , color and purity diamonds . Which is the beauty & the diffculties for eternity rings 

Please come and try the sizes and see the actual piece 


天然鑽石通常打磨至不同形狀及大小 , 遑論有不同的品質及等級 。 所以永恆鑽石戒指能用上同一大細品質及的 都是千挑萬選及難能可貴 亦都係製作此類型戒指的難度及美麗所在 


Diamond Eternity Rings 永恆鑽石戒指
